Showing posts with label conflict zones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conflict zones. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2019

Yemen Control Map & Report - December 2019 (Subscription)


There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Yemen articles on PolGeoNow.

Timeline by Djordje Djukic. Map by Evan Centanni, Djordje Djukic, and

Map of what is happening in Yemen as of December 15, 2019, including territorial control for the unrecognized Houthi government, president-in-exile Hadi and his allies in the Saudi-led coalition, the UAE-backed southern separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC), and Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). Includes recent locations of fighting and other events, including Ahwar, Baqim, Malahith, and more.
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Over the past two months, separatists seeking an independent South Yemen have held onto control of port city Aden and other towns, despite attempts at reconciliation with the Saudi-backed government of President Hadi. Meanwhile, the rival Houthi government still controls much of the country.

See all this and more on the newest update to PolGeoNow's Yemen territorial control map, which includes a timeline of changes and important events since our previous Yemen map report in October.

This map and report are premium content available to paid subscribers of the PolGeoNow Conflict Mapping Service.

Want to see before you buy? Check out our most recent FREE SAMPLE Yemen map report!

Exclusive report includes:
  • Up-to-date map of current territorial control in Yemen, color-coded for the pro-Hadi coalition, the separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC), Houthi forces, and Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).
  • Detailed indication of town-by-town control, including provincial boundaries, all major cities, and many smaller ones
  • Markers for recent areas of fighting, including Ahwar, Baqim, Malahith, and more
  • Timeline of changes to the situation since October 12, 2019, with links to sources 


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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Syrian Civil War Map & Timeline - November 2019 (Subscription)


There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Syria updates.

Research by Djordje Djukic. Map by, Evan Centanni, and Djordje Djukic

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Map of Syrian Civil War (Syria control map): Territorial control in Syria in November 2019 (Free Syrian Army rebels, Kurdish YPG, Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS / Al-Nusra Front), Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), and others). Includes Turkish/TFSA control, joint SDF-Assad control, US deconfliction zone, and Turkey-Russia demilitarized buffer zone, plus recent locations of conflict and territorial control changes, including Ras al-Ayn, Tel Abyad, Ayn Issa, and more. Colorblind accessible. In the past month, Turkey and its allies have further consolidated their chunk of territory in northern Syria, while the Assad-loyal Syrian military has deployed along most of the rest of the border, in line with the Russia-brokered agreement for a "safe zone" free of Kurdish militia fighters.

See all this and more on the latest update to PolGeoNow's concise, professional Syrian Civil War control map, which includes a timeline of changes since our previous Syria map report in October, with sources cited.

This map and report are premium content, available to paid subscribers of the PolGeoNow Conflict Mapping Service.

Want to see before you subscribe? Check out our most recent FREE SAMPLE Syria map!

Exclusive map report includes:
  • NEW: Special symbols for joint Turkish/rebel control and joint SDF/government control, so you can track Turkey's intervention in the border region
  • Up-to-date illustration of current territorial control in Syria, color-coded for the Assad government, rebel groups, "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL) fighters, and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Colorblind accessible.
  • Extent of "buffer zone" sponsored by Turkey and Russia in the rebel-held northwest
  • Outline showing approximate location of the one publicly-known US "deconfliction zone"
  • Special symbols indicating towns dominated by rebels of the former Al Qaeda Nusra Front (now Hayat Tahrir al-Sham or HTS) and by the Kurdish YPG militia (part of the SDF anti-IS coalition).
  • Detailed indication of city-by-city control, including key towns and other locations important to current events.
  • Locations of recent control changes and other important events, including Ras al-Ayn, Tel Abyad, Ayn Issa, and more.
  • Detailed timeline of important events and changes to territorial control since October 27, 2019, compiled by our Syria-Iraq expert, with links to sources. 


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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Libya Civil War Map & Timeline - November 2019

There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Libya updates.

Libya civil war map: Who controls what? A concise, professional map of who controls Libya now (November 2019). Shows detailed territorial control in the Libyan Civil War as of September 27, 2019, including all major parties (Government of National Accord (GNA); Tobruk House of Representatives, General Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA), and allies; Tuareg and Toubou (Tebu, Tubu) militias in the south; the so-called Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL); and other groups such as the National Salvation Government (NSG)). Includes recent locations of interest including Yarmouk Camp, Murzuq, Aziziya, and more. Colorblind accessible.
Base map by Koen Adams of, with territorial control by Evan Centanni and Djordje Djukic.
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Timeline by Djordje Djukic

Map of Libya: Current Situation

In the time since our previous Libya control map update at the end of September, fighting has raged on around the country's capital city of Tripoli between forces loyal to the two main competing governments. The eastern-based Libyan National Army (LNA) has continued to consolidate footholds around the capital, but still hasn't managed to turn the tables enough to capture the city itself from the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA). Meanwhile, forces of the so-called "Islamic State" (IS; formerly ISIS/ISIL) are still present in the Libyan desert despite the death of their organization's leader in Syria last month.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Syrian Civil War Map & Timeline: Turkey Enters Northeast - October 2019 (Subscription)


There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Syria updates.

Research by Djordje Djukic. Map by, Evan Centanni, and Djordje Djukic

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Map of Syrian Civil War (Syria control map): Territorial control in Syria in October 2019 (Free Syrian Army rebels, Kurdish YPG, Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS / Al-Nusra Front), Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), and others). Includes Turkish control, joint SDF-Assad control, US deconfliction zone, and Turkey-Russia demilitarized buffer zone, plus recent locations of conflict and territorial control changes, including Ras al-Ayn, Tel Abyad, Ayn Issa, and more. Colorblind accessible. Amid a US withdrawal, Turkey and its rebel allies have begun their long-threatened intervention against Kurdish-led fighters in northeastern Syria, who now have struck a deal with the Assad government to share their territory and jointly fight back against Turkey.

See all this and more on the latest update to PolGeoNow's concise, professional Syrian Civil War control map, which includes a timeline of changes since our previous Syria map report in September, with sources cited.

This map and report are premium content, available to paid subscribers of the PolGeoNow Conflict Mapping Service.

Want to see before you subscribe? Check out our most recent FREE SAMPLE Syria map!

Exclusive map report includes:
  • NEW: Special symbols for joint Turkish/rebel control and joint SDF/government control, so you can track Turkey's intervention in the border region
  • EXTRA: Label for Barisha village, where IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi died in a US raid this weekend
  • Up-to-date illustration of current territorial control in Syria, color-coded for the Assad government, rebel groups, "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL) fighters, and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Colorblind accessible.
  • Extent of "buffer zone" sponsored by Turkey and Russia in the rebel-held northwest
  • Outline showing approximate location of the one publicly-known US "deconfliction zone"
  • Special symbols indicating towns dominated by rebels of the former Al Qaeda Nusra Front (now Hayat Tahrir al-Sham or HTS) and by the Kurdish YPG militia (part of the SDF anti-IS coalition).
  • Detailed indication of city-by-city control, including key towns and other locations important to current events.
  • Locations of recent control changes and other important events, including Ras al-Ayn, Tel Abyad, Ayn Issa, and more.
  • Detailed timeline of important events and changes to territorial control since September 10, 2019, compiled by our Syria-Iraq expert, with links to sources. 


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Saturday, October 12, 2019

Yemen Control Map & Report - October 2019

There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Yemen articles on PolGeoNow.

Map of what is happening in Yemen as of October 12, 2019, including territorial control for the unrecognized Houthi government, president-in-exile Hadi and his allies in the Saudi-led coalition, the UAE-backed southern separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC), and Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). Includes recent locations of fighting and other events, including Ataq, Mahfad, Al Wadhea, Ketaf, and more.
Map by Evan Centanni and Djordje Djukic, from base map by Koen Adams of
Contact us for permission to use this map.
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Timeline by Djordje Djukic

Yemen More Divided Than Ever

In the month and a half since our previous Yemen control map report, the separatists of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) have held onto control over much of the country's south, pushing the internationally-recognized Hadi government to abandon Aden and set up a new "interim capital" in the eastern town of Ataq. Meanwhile, fighting between Hadi-loyal forces and the north's rival Houthi government has continued, with both sides capturing territory from each other near the Saudi border.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Libyan Civil War Map & Timeline - September 2019 (Subscription)


There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Libya updates.

Research by Djordje Djukic. Map by, Evan Centanni, and Djordje Djukic.

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Libya: Who controls what? A concise, professional map of who controls Libya now (September 2019). Shows detailed territorial control in the Libyan Civil War as of September 27, 2019, including all major parties (Government of National Accord (GNA); Tobruk House of Representatives, General Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA), and allies; Tuareg and Toubou (Tebu, Tubu) militias in the south; the so-called Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL); and other groups such as the National Salvation Government (NSG)). Includes terrain, major roads, and recent locations of interest including Ain Zara, Gharyan, Murzuq, Tripoli International Airport, and more. Colorblind accessible. Since July, fighting for control of capital city Tripoli has largely remained at a stalemate, with each of the country's rival governments losing and the recapturing territory, though there have been some small net changes in control.

See all this and more on the latest update to PolGeoNow's concise, professional Libyan Civil War control map, which comes with a timeline of changes since our previous Libya control map report of July 21, 2019.

This map and report are premium content available to paid subscribers of the PolGeoNow Conflict Mapping Service.

Want to see before you subscribe? Check out our most recent FREE SAMPLE Libya map!

Exclusive report includes:
  • Up-to-date map of current territorial control in Libya, color-coded for the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA), the rival Tobruk parliament and Khalifa Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA), the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL), and Toubou and Tuareg militias in the south. Colorblind accessible.
  • Detailed indication of city-by-city control, including key towns and other locations important to current events.
  • Locations of recent fighting and changes of control, including Murzuq, Ain Zara, Gharyan, Tripoli International Airport, and more.
  • Detailed timeline of important events and changes to territorial control since July 21, 2019, with links to sources.


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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Syrian Civil War Map & Timeline - September 2019

There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Syria updates.

Map of Syrian Civil War (Syria control map): Territorial control in Syria in September 2019 (Free Syrian Army rebels, Kurdish YPG, Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS / Al-Nusra Front), Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), and others). Includes US deconfliction zone and Turkey-Russia demilitarized buffer zone, plus recent locations of conflict and territorial control changes, including Khan Shaykhun, Kabani, Morek, and more. Colorblind accessible.
Base map by Koen Adams of, with territorial control by Evan Centanni and Djordje Djukic.
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Timeline by Djordje Djukic

Government Captures Rebel Stronghold in Idlib

In what's been nearly a month since our previous Syria control map update, almost all major activities have been focused around the southern end of rebel-held Idlib province. For the first time, government forces have captured a major town on the rebel side of the of would-be buffer zone set up last year by Turkey and Russia. Meanwhile, possible changes loom in Syria's northeast, where Turkey is pushing the US to set up a "safe zone" to keep the Kurdish-majority YPG militia away from the border.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Yemen Control Map & Report: Separatists Seize South - August 2019 (Subscription)


There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Yemen articles on PolGeoNow.

Map of what is happening in Yemen as of August 31, 2019, including territorial control for the unrecognized Houthi government, president-in-exile Hadi and his allies in the Saudi-led coalition, the UAE-backed southern separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC), and Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). Includes recent locations of fighting, including Ataq, Zinjibar, Shuqra, Ketaf, and more. Colorblind accessible.
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Timeline by Djordje Djukic. Map by Evan Centanni, Djordje Djukic, and

In recent weeks, a major new front has broken out in Yemen's civil war, as southern separatists have broken ranks with the Saudi-backed government of President Hadi, seizing control of key areas in the country's south.

See all this and more on the newest update to PolGeoNow's Yemen territorial control map, which includes a timeline of changes and important events since our previous Yemen map report in June. This report also includes a BONUS MAP showing the height of southern separatist control earlier in August.

This map and report are premium content available to paid subscribers of the PolGeoNow Conflict Mapping Service.

Want to see before you buy? Check out our most recent FREE SAMPLE Yemen map report!

Exclusive report includes:
  • Up-to-date map of current territorial control in Yemen, color-coded for the pro-Hadi coalition, the separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC), Houthi forces, and Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).
  • Detailed indication of town-by-town control, including provincial boundaries, all major cities, and many smaller ones
  • Markers for recent areas of fighting, including Shuqra, Ataq, Balhaf, Ketaf, and more
  • Timeline of changes to the situation since June 15, 2019, with links to sources 
  • BONUS MAP showing the height of southern separatist control earlier in August


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Saturday, August 17, 2019

Syrian Civil War Map & Timeline - August 2019 (Subscription)


There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Syria updates.

Research by Djordje Djukic. Map by, Evan Centanni, and Djordje Djukic

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Map of Syrian Civil War (Syria control map): Territorial control in Syria in August 2019 (Free Syrian Army rebels, Kurdish YPG, Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS / Al-Nusra Front), Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), and others). Includes US deconfliction zone and Turkey-Russia demilitarized buffer zone, plus recent locations of conflict and territorial control changes, including Khan Shaykhun, Kabani, and more. Colorblind accessible. Over the past month and a half, fighting between rebels and government forces in the northwest has dominated events in Syria. Meanwhile, the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL) remains confined to uninhabited desert areas of central Syria.

See all this and more on the latest update to PolGeoNow's concise, professional Syrian Civil War control map, which includes a timeline of changes since our previous Syria map report in July, with sources cited.

This map and report are premium content, available to paid subscribers of the PolGeoNow Conflict Mapping Service.

Want to see before you subscribe? Check out our most recent FREE SAMPLE Syria map!

Exclusive map report includes:
  • Up-to-date illustration of current territorial control in Syria, color-coded for the Assad government, rebel groups, "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL) fighters, and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Colorblind accessible.
  • Location of the demilitarized buffer zone sponsored by Turkey and Russia
  • Outline showing the approximate location of the one publicly-known US "deconfliction zone"
  • Special symbols indicating towns dominated by rebels of the former Al Qaeda Nusra Front (now Hayat Tahrir al-Sham or HTS) and by the Kurdish YPG militia (part of the US-backed SDF).
  • Detailed indication of city-by-city control, including key towns and other locations important to current events.
  • Locations of recent control changes and other important events, including Khan Shaykhun, Kabani, and more.
  • Detailed timeline of important events and changes to territorial control since July 1, 2019, compiled by our Syria-Iraq expert, with links to sources. 


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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Somalia Control Map & Timeline - August 2019

There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Somalia articles on PolGeoNow.

Who controls Somalia? Map (2019). With states, regions, and territorial control. Best Somalia control map online, thoroughly researched, detailed but concise. Shows territorial control by Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), Al Shabaab, so-called Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), separatist Somaliland, and autonomous states Puntland, Galmudug, and Khatumo. Also shows boundaries of Jubaland, South West, and Hirshabelle federal states, as well as ares of operation of  anti-Somaliland militias of Khatumo and Colonel Aare. Updated to August 13, 2019. Colorblind accessible.
Base map by Koen Adams of, with territorial control by Evan Centanni and Djordje Djukic.
Contact us for permission to use this map.
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Timeline by Evan Centanni

Mapping Al Shabaab Control

In the nine months since our previous Somalia control map report, the front lines in southern and central Somalia have changed only subtly: Al Shabaab, Somalia's Al Qaeda-affiliated religious hardline movement, has expanded its governance in some rural areas of the country's southwest, but at the same time has been driven out of two more important towns in the densely-populated Shabelle River valley west of Mogadishu. Scroll down for a full timeline of territorial changes and other major military and political events since last November.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Libyan Civil War Map & Timeline - July 2019 (Subscription)


There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Libya updates.

Research by Djordje Djukic. Map by, Evan Centanni, and Djordje Djukic.

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Libya: Who controls what? A concise, professional map of of who controls Libya now (July 2019). Shows detailed territorial control in the Libyan Civil War as of July 21, 2019, including all major parties (Government of National Accord (GNA); Tobruk House of Representatives, General Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA), and allies; Tuareg and Toubou (Tebu, Tubu) militias in the south; the so-called Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL); and other groups such as the National Salvation Government (NSG) and religious hardline fighters). Includes terrain, major roads, and recent locations of interest including Gharyan, Murzuq, Tripoli International Airport, and more. Colorblind accessible. Since June, direct fighting between Libya's two biggest rival governments has continued in the Tripoli area, each with their own international backers, with the western government achieving a notable victory along the road south from Tripoli.

See all this and more on the latest update to PolGeoNow's concise, professional Libyan Civil War control map, which comes with a timeline of changes since our previous Libya control map report of June 4, 2019.

This map and report are premium content available to paid subscribers of the PolGeoNow Conflict Mapping Service.

Want to see before you subscribe? Check out our most recent FREE SAMPLE Libya map!

Exclusive report includes:
  • Up-to-date map of current territorial control in Libya, color-coded for the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA), the rival Tobruk parliament and Khalifa Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA), the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL), and Toubou and Tuareg militias in the south. Colorblind accessible.
  • Detailed indication of city-by-city control, including key towns and other locations important to current events.
  • Locations of recent fighting and changes of control, including Gharyan, Murzuq, Tripoli International Airport, and more.
  • Detailed timeline of important events and changes to territorial control since June 4, 2019, with links to sources.


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Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Syrian Civil War Map & Timeline - July 2019 (Subscription)


There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Syria updates.

Research by Djordje Djukic. Map by, Evan Centanni, and Djordje Djukic

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Map of Syrian Civil War (Syria control map): Territorial control in Syria in July 2019 (Free Syrian Army rebels, Kurdish YPG, Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS / Al-Nusra Front), Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), and others). Includes US deconfliction zone and Turkey-Russia demilitarized buffer zone, plus recent locations of conflict and territorial control changes, such Kafr Nabudah, Kabani, Al-Kawm, and more. Colorblind accessible. The past month and a half have seen continued fighting and many small changes to territorial control around the edges of the rebel-held area in Syria's northwest. The so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL) remains active in the desert of central Syria, and is thought to control a large area of uninhabited land, but no longer seems to govern any towns.

See all this and more on the latest update to PolGeoNow's concise, professional Syrian Civil War control map, which includes a timeline of changes since our previous Syria map report in May, with sources cited.

This map and report are premium content, available to paid subscribers of the PolGeoNow Conflict Mapping Service.

Want to see before you subscribe? Check out our most recent FREE SAMPLE Syria map!

Exclusive map report includes:
  • Up-to-date illustration of current territorial control in Syria, color-coded for the Assad government, rebel groups, "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL) fighters, and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Colorblind accessible.
  • Location of the demilitarized buffer zone sponsored by Turkey and Russia
  • Outline showing the approximate location of the one publicly-known US "deconfliction zone"
  • Special symbols indicating towns dominated by rebels of the former Al Qaeda Nusra Front (now Hayat Tahrir al-Sham or HTS) and by the Kurdish YPG militia (part of the US-backed SDF).
  • Detailed indication of city-by-city control, including key towns and other locations important to current events.
  • Locations of recent control changes and other important events, including Kafr Nabudah, Kabani, Al-Kawm, and more.
  • Detailed timeline of important events and changes to territorial control since May 14, 2019, compiled by our Syria-Iraq expert, with links to sources. 


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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Yemen Control Map & Report - June 2019 (Subscription)


There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Yemen articles on PolGeoNow.

Map of what is happening in Yemen as of June 15, 2019, including territorial control for the unrecognized Houthi government and former president Saleh's forces, president-in-exile Hadi and his allies in the Saudi-led coalition and Southern Movement, and Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). Includes recent locations of fighting, including Qatabah, Dhale, Ketaf, Harad, and more. Colorblind accessible.
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Timeline by Djordje Djukic. Map by Evan Centanni, Djordje Djukic, and

In the past six months, fighting over Yemen's Hodeida port has died down under a UN-supervised ceasefire, but battles and changes of territory between the Houthi and Hadi governments have continued on other fronts.

See all this and more on the newest update to PolGeoNow's Yemen territorial control map, which includes a timeline of changes and important events since our previous Yemen map report in December.

This map and report are premium content available to paid subscribers of the PolGeoNow Conflict Mapping Service.

Want to see before you buy? Check out our most recent FREE SAMPLE Yemen map report!

Exclusive report includes:
  • Up-to-date map of current territorial control in Yemen, color-coded for the pro-Hadi coalition, Houthi forces, and Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).
  • Detailed indication of town-by-town control, including provincial boundaries, all major cities, and many smaller ones
  • Markers for recent areas of fighting, including Qatabah, Dhale, Ketaf, Harad, and more
  • Timeline of changes to the situation since December 6, 2018, with links to sources


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Friday, June 7, 2019

Libyan Civil War Map & Timeline - June 2019 (Subscription)


There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Libya updates.

Research by Djordje Djukic. Map by, Evan Centanni, and Djordje Djukic.

Subscribe for full access to all conflict map reports!

Libya: Who controls what? A concise, professional map of of who controls Libya now (June 2019). Shows detailed territorial control in the Libyan Civil War as of June 4, 2019, including all major parties (Government of National Accord (GNA); Tobruk House of Representatives, General Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA), and allies; Tuareg and Toubou (Tebu, Tubu) militias in the south; the so-called Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL); and other groups such as the National Salvation Government (NSG) and religious hardline fighters). Includes terrain, major roads, and recent locations of interest including Aziziyah, Ain Zara, Tripoli International Airport, and more. Colorblind accessible. Over the past month and a half, fighting in Libya has focused in on the southern suburbs of Tripoli, where the country's two rival governments are jockeying for the upper hand in the capital city. Meanwhile, the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL) continues to launch attacks in southern towns.

See all this and more on the latest update to PolGeoNow's concise, professional Libyan Civil War control map, which comes with a timeline of changes since our previous Libya control map report in April 14, 2019.

This map and report are premium content available to paid subscribers of the PolGeoNow Conflict Mapping Service.

Want to see before you subscribe? Check out our most recent FREE SAMPLE Libya map!

Exclusive report includes:
  • Up-to-date map of current territorial control in Libya, color-coded for the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA), the rival Tobruk parliament and Khalifa Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA), the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL), and Toubou and Tuareg militias in the south. Colorblind accessible.
  • Detailed indication of city-by-city control, including key towns and other locations important to current events.
  • Locations of recent fighting and changes of control, including Aziziya, Ain Zara, Tripoli International Airport, and more.
  • Detailed timeline of important events and changes to territorial control since April 14, 2019, with links to sources.


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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Syrian Civil War Map & Timeline: Fight Resumes for Northwest - May 2019 (Subscription)


There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Syria updates.

Research by Djordje Djukic. Map by, Evan Centanni, and Djordje Djukic

Subscribe for full access to all conflict map reports!

Map of Syrian Civil War (Syria control map): Territorial control in Syria in May 2019 (Free Syrian Army rebels, Kurdish YPG, Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS / Al-Nusra Front), Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), and others). Includes US deconfliction zone and Turkey-Russia demilitarized buffer zone, plus recent locations of conflict and territorial control changes, such as Al Kawm, Qalaat al-Madiq, Kafr Nabudah, and more. Colorblind accessible. A new phase of fighting has begun in Syria's northwest, as the Assad government makes a new push across the Turkish-Russian "buffer zone" into rebel-held territory. Meanwhile, the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL) has captured a new town in the central desert.

See all this and more on the latest update to PolGeoNow's concise, professional Syrian Civil War control map, which includes a timeline of changes since our previous Syria map report in March, with sources cited.

This map and report are premium content, available to paid subscribers of the PolGeoNow Conflict Mapping Service.

Want to see before you subscribe? Check out our most recent FREE SAMPLE Syria map!

Exclusive map report includes:
  • Up-to-date illustration of current territorial control in Syria, color-coded for the Assad government, rebel groups, "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL) fighters, and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Colorblind accessible.
  • Location of the demilitarized buffer zone sponsored by Turkey and Russia
  • Outline showing the approximate location of the one publicly-known US "deconfliction zone"
  • Special symbols indicating towns dominated by rebels of the former Al Qaeda Nusra Front (now Hayat Tahrir al-Sham or HTS) and by the Kurdish YPG militia (part of the US-backed SDF).
  • Detailed indication of city-by-city control, including key towns and other locations important to current events.
  • Locations of recent control changes and other important events, including Al Kawm, Qalaat al-Madiq, Kafr Nabudah, and more.
  • Detailed timeline of important events and changes to territorial control since March 28, 2019, compiled by our Syria-Iraq expert, with links to sources. 


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Monday, April 15, 2019

Libyan Civil War Map & Timeline: Battle for Tripoli Begins - April 14, 2019 (Subscription)


There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Libya updates.

Research by Djordje Djukic. Map by, Evan Centanni, and Djordje Djukic.

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Libya: Who controls what? A concise, professional map of of who controls Libya now (April 2019). Shows detailed territorial control in the Libyan Civil War as of April 14, 2019, including all major parties (Government of National Accord (GNA); Tobruk House of Representatives, General Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA), and allies; Tuareg and Toubou (Tebu, Tubu) militias in the south; the so-called Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL); and other groups such as the National Salvation Government (NSG) and religious hardline fighters). Includes terrain, major roads, and recent locations of interest including Aziziyah, Ain Zara, Tripoli International Airport, and more. Colorblind accessible. After years of proxy fighting in central and southern Libya, forces allied to the country's two rival governments are finally facing off directly around capital city Tripoli. In just the past two weeks, there have already been many changes to territorial control - mostly gains for the eastern-allied Libyan National Army (LNA).

See all this and more on the latest update to PolGeoNow's concise, professional Libyan Civil War control map, which comes with a timeline of changes since our previous Libya control map report in April 1, 2019.

This map and report are premium content available to paid subscribers of the PolGeoNow Conflict Mapping Service.

Want to see before you subscribe? Check out our most recent FREE SAMPLE Libya map!

Exclusive report includes:
  • Up-to-date map of current territorial control in Libya, color-coded for the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA), the rival Tobruk parliament and Khalifa Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA), the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL), and Toubou and Tuareg militias in the south. Colorblind accessible.
  • Detailed indication of city-by-city control, including key towns and other locations important to current events.
  • Locations of recent fighting and changes of control, including Aziziya, Ain Zara, Tripoli International Airport, and more.
  • Detailed timeline of important events and changes to territorial control since April 1, 2019, with links to sources.


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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Libyan Civil War Map & Timeline - April 1, 2019 (Subscription)


There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Libya updates.

Research by Djordje Djukic. Map by, Evan Centanni, and Djordje Djukic.

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Libya: Who controls what? A concise, professional map of of who controls Libya now (April 2019). Shows detailed territorial control in the Libyan Civil War as of April 1, 2019, including all major parties (Government of National Accord (GNA); Tobruk House of Representatives, General Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA), and allies; Tuareg and Toubou (Tebu, Tubu) militias in the south; the so-called Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL); and other groups such as the National Salvation Government (NSG) and religious hardline fighters). Includes terrain, major roads, and recent locations of interest including Murzuq, Ghadduwah, Qatrun, Uwaynat, and more. Colorblind accessible. Over the past month, the eastern Libyan National Army (LNA) has continued its rapid advances across the south, seizing control of several towns and oil fields previously controlled by independent Toubou and Tuareg militias. Meanwhile, Libya's two major rival governments continue vying for power in the north, and the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL) is still present in some desert areas.

See all this and more on the latest update to PolGeoNow's concise, professional Libyan Civil War control map, which comes with a timeline of changes since our previous Libya control map report in February 2019.

This map and report are premium content available to paid subscribers of the PolGeoNow Conflict Mapping Service.

Want to see before you subscribe? Check out our most recent FREE SAMPLE Libya map!

Exclusive report includes:
  • Up-to-date map of current territorial control in Libya, color-coded for the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA), the rival Tobruk parliament and Khalifa Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA), the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL), and Toubou and Tuareg militias in the south. Colorblind accessible.
  • Detailed indication of city-by-city control, including key towns and other locations important to current events.
  • Locations of recent fighting and changes of control, including Murzuq, Ghadduwah, Qatrun, Uwaynat, and more.
  • Detailed timeline of important events and changes to territorial control since February 24, 2019, with links to sources.


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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Syrian Civil War Map & Timeline: IS Loses Last Town - March 2019 (Subscription)


There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Syria updates.

Research by Djordje Djukic. Map by, Evan Centanni, and Djordje Djukic

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Map of Syrian Civil War (Syria control map): Territorial control in Syria in March 2019, when IS control has been reduced to only some areas of desert after the group lost its last town (Free Syrian Army rebels, Kurdish YPG, Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS / Al-Nusra Front), Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), and others). Includes US deconfliction zone and Turkey-Russia demilitarized buffer zone, plus recent locations of conflict and territorial control changes, such as Baghuz, Murashidah, the Doubayat gas field, and more. Colorblind accessible. The so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL) has lost its last populated territory in Syria, but it still operates freely in some remote desert areas. Meanwhile, the situation remains tense along the Russia-Turkey-brokered "buffer zone" between rebel and government territory in the northwest.

See all this and more on the latest update to PolGeoNow's concise, professional Syrian Civil War control map, which includes a timeline of changes since our previous Syria map report in January, with sources cited.

This map and report are premium content, available to paid subscribers of the PolGeoNow Conflict Mapping Service.

Want to see before you subscribe? Check out our most recent FREE SAMPLE Syria map!

Exclusive map report includes:
  • Up-to-date illustration of current territorial control in Syria, color-coded for the Assad government, rebel groups, "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL) fighters, and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Colorblind accessible.
  • Location of the demilitarized buffer zone sponsored by Turkey and Russia
  • Outline showing the approximate location of the one publicly-known US "deconfliction zone"
  • Special symbols indicating towns dominated by rebels of the former Al Qaeda Nusra Front (now Hayat Tahrir al-Sham or HTS) and by the Kurdish YPG militia (part of the US-backed SDF).
  • Detailed indication of city-by-city control, including key towns and other locations important to current events.
  • Locations of recent control changes and other important events, including Baghuz, Murashidah, Saraqeb, Arima and more.
  • Detailed timeline of important events and changes to territorial control since January 27, 2019, compiled by our Syria-Iraq expert, with links to sources. 


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Thursday, March 7, 2019

2015 in Afghanistan: Map of Taliban and "Islamic State" Control

Hidden image for crawlers (To see other maps in this series, view all Afghanistan updates.)

Welcome to PolGeoNow's new series of Afghanistan control maps! In the coming months, we'll publish more maps and timelines spanning the gap between 2015 and 2019, leading into routine updates of the current situation. To secure your access to all future installments, sign up now for our professional conflict map subscription service!

Where in Afghanistan is the war? Map of Taliban control in Afghanistan in October 2015, during the Taliban's takeover of Kunduz city and at the height of so-called Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) control in Nangharhar province. Also marks areas of government control and unclear or mixed control. Includes all of Afghanistan's major cities, plus selected towns, including many sites of Taliban control. Colorblind accessible.
Basemap by Koen Adams of, with territorial control by Evan Centanni.
Contact us for permission to use this map.

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Timeline by Evan Centanni

Afghanistan: Who Controlled What in 2015?

The date is October 2, 2015. In the year and a half since the low point of Taliban control shown in our April 2014 Afghanistan map, the rebel group has been steadily expanding its territory. Most recently, the Taliban have launched a surprise takeover of Kunduz city, one of northern Afghanistan's major population centers, and the first provincial capital they've controlled since their national government was overthrown in 2001. Meanwhile, as the current government pours all its resources into taking the city back, the Taliban take advantage of the chaos to seize control of various other districts across the Afghan countryside.

Meanwhile, the so-called "Islamic State" (IS; formerly ISIS/ISIL), based thousands of kilometers to the west in Iraq and Syria, has established a formidable new branch in Afghanistan. This IS affiliate - known officially as "Khorasan Province" - has carved out a small territory of its own in Nangarhar, along the border with Pakistan, and is now reaching what will be the height of its power in Afghanistan. Though both IS and the Taliban are religious hardliners, IS's brutal tactics, largely foreign membership, and claimed superiority have made it an enemy of the Taliban, and left it with very little support among the Afghan people.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Libyan Civil War Map & Timeline - February 2019 (Subscription)


There are newer versions of this map available. To see them, view all Libya updates.

Research by Djordje Djukic. Map by, Evan Centanni, and Djordje Djukic.

Subscribe for full access to all conflict map reports!

Libya: Who controls what? A concise, professional map of of who controls Libya now (February 2019). Shows detailed territorial control in the Libyan Civil War as of February 24, 2019, including all major parties (Government of National Accord (GNA); Tobruk House of Representatives, General Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA), and allies; Tuareg and Toubou (Tebu, Tubu) militias in the south; the so-called Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL); and other groups such as the National Salvation Government (NSG) and religious hardline fighters). Includes terrain, major roads, and recent locations of interest including Murzuq, Ghadduwah, the El Sharara and El Feel oil fields, and more. Colorblind accessible. Since last month, the Libyan National Army (LNA) of General Khalifa Haftar has rapidly expanded its control of major towns and oil fields in Libya's southwest, clashing with regional Toubou militias and threatening Tuareg militia control as well. Meanwhile, the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL) is still active in some parts of the Libyan desert, despite its leadership facing defeat in Syria.

See all this and more on the latest update to PolGeoNow's concise, professional Libyan Civil War control map, which comes with a timeline of changes since our previous Libya control map report in July 2018.

This map and report are premium content available to paid subscribers of the PolGeoNow Conflict Mapping Service.

Want to see before you subscribe? Check out our most recent FREE SAMPLE Libya map!

Exclusive report includes:
  • Up-to-date map of current territorial control in Libya, color-coded for the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA), the rival Tobruk parliament and Khalifa Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA), the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL), and Toubou and Tuareg militias in the south. Colorblind accessible.
  • Detailed indication of city-by-city control, including key towns and other locations important to current events.
  • Locations of recent fighting and military operations, including Murzuq, Ghadduwah, the El Sharara and El Feel oil fields, and more.
  • Detailed timeline of important events and changes to territorial control since July 19, 2018, with links to sources.


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