Thursday, September 5, 2019

Map: Indonesia Makes Plans to Move Capital

Map: Indonesia says it's moving its capital from Jakarta to a new location in Borneo. Map shows old site, approximate new site, former capital on Yogyakarta, and Palangkaraya, which was considered for the location of the new capital but not chosen.

(Based on blank map by Wikipedia user Indon. License: CC BY-SA)

A PolGeoNow News Brief

Here at Political Geography Now, we prioritize reporting on things in the world that have actually changed. But sometimes news about future or possible changes, like Belize and Guatemala going to court over their border dispute, are interesting enough that we want to share them with you sooner. This article represents a new format where we'll be publishing short, to-the-point summaries of those kinds of geography news stories. As always, we encourage you to tell us what you think by leaving a comment on our Twitter or Facebook!

A Brief Guide to Indonesia's Capital Move:

  • Indonesia announced in April that it was planning to move its capital away from Jakarta, the crowded, sinking megacity where the country's government is currently based. 
  • Last week, Indonesia's president confirmed the plan to move the capital, and announced the approximate location and time frame for setting up the new government center.
  • Although the city of Palangkaraya was said to be a top candidate for the new location of Indonesia's capital, the government instead chose a site several hundred kilometers away to build a whole new city.
Flag of Indonesia Country Name:  
Indonesia (English, Indonesian)
Official Name:  
Republic of Indonesia (English)
Republik Indonesia (Indonesian)
Capital: Jakarta
  • The exact location of the new capital site hasn't been released, but we know its approximate whereabouts based on a press conference and tweet naming which districts will border it. No name has been announced yet for the city
  • The move will bring the capital closer to the center of Indonesia, but also much closer to a major international border (in this case, with Malaysia).

Stay tuned to PolGeoNow to find out how it turns out! If Indonesia's capital move goes through or is cancelled, you'll hear about it here. For more details as events develop, follow us on Twitter.